Below is a brief introduction to the School of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

It is our hope the teachers, parents and grandparents will review the 5 Easy Steps program and open their hearts to receive our Blessed Mother’s message, and understand that Fatima is a school of prayer, a school introduced by the most tender, holy and loving of mothers, who calls us to hear and to respond to her requests, for all.

It is a way

Saint John Paul II the Great confirms the ‘School of Mary’ for our world’s children. This has been an ongoing inspiration to create and to put into action the ‘One Promise and Five Easy Steps for CHILDREN OF THE EUCHARIST – YOUNG MISSIONARIES OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY.

“Dear Boys and Girls,
Our Lady needs all of you to console Jesus, Who is sad because of the bad things done to Him. She needs your prayers and your sacrifices for sinners. Ask your parents and teachers to enroll you in the ‘School of Mary’ so that she can teach you to be like the Little Shepherds who tried to do whatever she asked them.”

These were the words of Saint John Paul II at the close of the beatification ceremony of Blessed Francisco and Blessed Jacinta

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