“…continue to pray the rosary everyday in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary because only she can help you.”

“The Confraternity of the Rosary is to speak,
the battalion who fights the battle of Christ,
armed with his sacred mysteries,
and under the banner and guidance
of the heavenly Queen.” – Pope Leo XIII

“Children of the Eucharist, Young Missionaries of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Apostolate,
has entered into the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary and has consecrated this partnership under the name of the Queen of Peace.
This partnership will first be pursued in our territorial Province of St. Albert the Great, USA.”



This apostolate serves to unite the prayers of children and rosary devotees within the bond of the
Rosary Confraternity and to promote special devotion among children to the Holy Eucharist.
It does so with the special intention of bringing peace to children and their families everywhere.
Bourne, especially in mind, are all children around the world suffering from
physical or spiritual abuse, and all victims of war, poverty and human trafficking.

Father James Pierce Cavanaugh, O.P.

Complete letter from Father James (Here)

Closing section of Father’s complete letter includes the beautiful and important section below.

… Likewise, the prayers of that child are added to the prayers
of all Confraternity members; a single child’s Rosary becomes thousands upon thousands of
Rosaries during each instance of prayer.
Through this lens, it seems that one of the great hopes of
the world would be the voices of the worlds’ children united in prayer and added to the existing
worldwide Rosary devotions, asking mercy of the Mother of God.
Will you help establish a Rosary Movement for our world’s children and our world’s future?
Please consider uniting your prayers with those of the Confraternity wherever you are.”

In Jesus through Mary,
Fr. James Pierce Cavanaugh O.P.
Promoter of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary
Province of St. Albert the Great, USA

Dear Pastors, Teachers, Parents & Grandparents:

What is the Confraternity of
the Most Holy Rosary

The Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary is an international association of the Catholic faithful
established “to praise and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary and to secure her patronage
by the recitation of the Rosary for the mutual spiritual benefit of all the members throughout the world.”
Each member of the Rosary Confraternity strives to pray
the three Rosaries (15 decades) each week (Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries).

Enrollees in the Confraternity, affiliated with the Young Missionaries, will be called Marian Advocates.

Rosary Confraternity Enrollees:

We, in partnership with the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary, Queen of Peace, seek to enroll
parents, grandparents, teachers, and pastors with a special devotion
to Mary’s Immaculate Heart, and who see the special need for the prayers
of the world’s children to be united for the sake of peace and healing in the world.

As you know our children are under horrific attack. We are praying
that those who enroll in the Confraternity will teach their students and or children the Most Holy Rosary.

It is our desire that Enrollees that are Marian Advocates will take on an additional
role of teaching the rosary to the children and youth in your parishes, schools, and family.


There are no fees

With regard to the requirements of the Confraternity,
the only requirement is that a member commit to
praying 15 decades of the Rosary on a weekly basis.


Visit – https://www.therosarian.org/enrolling

Scroll down until you see this label.

Then click to join!

Following the day of enrollment. (When the application is made, a beautiful certificate of membership
is sent, indicating the day of the enrollment.)

Consider joining the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary
to save our families, country and world and the children and youth in the next generation.

One child who prays the rosary from within the Confraternity unites her prayers to prayers of every Confraternity member
and adds to her prayer thousands of Rosaries. Likewise, the prayers of that child are added to the prayers of all Confraternity members.
Finally, the prayers of parents and other loved ones can be unified toward this end.
Indeed, it seems one of the great hopes of the world is to have the voices of the world’s children united in prayer and added to the existing
worldwide Rosary practice; all of these prayers asking mercy and peace from the Mother of God.


“Indeed, it seems one of the great hopes of the world is to have the voices of the world’s children united in
prayer and added to the existing worldwide Rosary practice; all of these
prayers asking mercy and peace from the Mother of God.”

How beautiful is this quote – Father James Pierce Cavanaugh, O.P

For more information, connieschneider@earthlink.net

“If anyone has the happiness of being in the Confraternity of the Rosary, he has in all corners of the world
brothers and sisters who pray for him.” – St. John Vianney

Nothing brings sick children more comfort than the presence
of their mother.
How fortunate we Catholics are to have Our Blessed Mother!
In these days of turmoil, she still embraces us with strong
protection and tender affection. So, we cannot give up helping
her to spread her message of Peace.
Let us introduce this beautiful and powerful mother
to our world’s children!